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Energy Alchemy Online

Intuitive Energy Alchemy 

Are you ready to experience the power of divine healing from the comfort of your own home?


Distance Energy Alchemy Healing is available No matter where you are in the world, connecting with the 6th ray priestesses we can connect with you energetically to facilitate deep healing and transformation.


Held within the Golden Wings of the Priestesses Online: we can channel the powerful energy of the Golden Ray, a divine frequency that brings forth love, light, and healing. During these  online sessions, they will envelop you in this golden light, bringing you peace, balance, and harmony. 


During these sessions we can bring forth the powerful lineage of Sekhem Healing: an ancient Egyptian healing modality connecting with the divine masters , working on all levels of your being - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Channelling this sacred energy can help you release blockages, restore vitality, and promote overall well-being.


Or Perhaps you are in need of Physical Body Healing: If you're seeking relief from physical ailments or discomfort, we can provide healing energy on specific areas of your body, promoting healing and rejuvenation. Allow the golden light to flow through you, bringing balance and vitality to every cell. 


We can also offer powerful Golden Code Activations these are energetic upgrades Unlocking your highest potential and activate your divine blueprint within. For many these codes are there waiting to be activated and used once more. Through sacred rituals and energetic transmissions, we will help you access the golden codes within you, awakening your true power and purpose.


Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience the magic of online remote healing with The Golden Ray Priestesses. Book your session today and allow the golden wings of transformation to embrace you,Together, we can unlock your highest potential and create a life that resonates with your soul's desires.



What can we offer in these sessions ?


Akashic Record Healing

Past life Clearing

Energetic Clearing

Physical Body Healing

Pattern Clearing

Angelic Reiki

Sekhem Reiki

Connecting with the Archangels and Ascended Masters for Deep transformation Guided meditation Temple Healings Sonic Sound Healing

Emotional Coding 


Get ready to unlock your divine potential. 

My Services

  • Available Online

    Unlock your divine potential with this channelled healing and activat...

    1 hr

    68 British pounds
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