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The Path of the Goddess Beginnings 

The story 


The allure of Egypt captivated me in 2002 when I embarked on my first journey to this ancient land. The energy of the Nile and the grandeur of the temples resonated with me, making me feel a sense of belonging. Upon my return, I found myself transported back to the Nile during my meditations, yearning to learn more about this mystical place.


In 2005 and 2008, I ventured back to Egypt, this time exploring Sinai and sailing along the Nile. Each visit brought a unique experience, and every time I returned home, my life underwent profound changes and evolution. As I delved deeper into my spiritual practice, my connection to Egypt and its Goddesses grew stronger.

During my spiritual journey, the Ascended Master Isis revealed herself to me as my life guide, assisting me in my spiritual ascension. I began working closely with her, uncovering my past lives as a priestess of Isis and a priest in the temple of Philae. She unveiled numerous lives spent in the desert and tending to the lands near the Nile.

Energy Alchemy with Charlene Lock - Path of the Priestess
Goddess Isis Egypt

As the years passed, my Higher Self, named Valakrin, became fully embodied, intensifying my pull towards Egypt. Many of the healings I facilitate are channeled directly from the temples of Egypt, drawing upon their ancient wisdom.


Valakrin, with her long hair and golden eyes, embodies a 6th Ray Golden Ray Priestess. She adorns herself with a golden bodice and possesses magnificent golden wings that trail behind her. A jeweled sword rests on her back, not as a weapon, but as a potent talisman for healing. This sword emits emerald light codes, unlocking and activating healing energies within those she works with. Despite her powerful energy, Valakrin exudes a gentle softness and harbors immense love for all beings. Her wings serve as shields, enveloping recipients in love, and as conduits for transporting souls to various healing temples across different realms. These temple healings are her specialty.


Valakrin's origins are intertwined with the golden threads of Egypt. Through her, powerful energetic upgrades, divine messages, and initiations are brought forth. She collaborates closely with Goddess Isis, Anubis, and Thoth, assisting in the clearing of old patterns, reclaiming lost power, and facilitating transformative experiences for those drawn to her teachings. She unlocks dormant abilities and activates codes within individuals.


It was Valakrin's teachings that led me to the Great Pyramid of Giza. As I lay within the kings chamber , I received profound downloads, signalling that it was time for me to return to the sacred lands. The golden codes were ready to be activated, and these teachings were meant to be shared and spread across the world once again. In a vision, Valakrin showed me a deep blue lotus reaching towards the apex of the pyramid, intertwined with a golden vine. This symbolized the reunion of the divine masculine and feminine, a sacred union. 

I received one final download in the Great Pyramid of Egypt: "You will find a piece of your heart here on these sacred lands, and when you find it, you will know with every fiber of your being."


Guided by Valakrin's gentle yet powerful presence, I started facilitating healing sessions and workshops, sharing the ancient Egyptian teachings with those who were ready to embark on their own spiritual journey. Through the activation of the golden codes, individuals experienced profound shifts, releasing old patterns and stepping into their true power.


The more I shared these teachings, the more I witnessed the transformative impact they had on people's lives. It was as if Egypt herself was awakening within each person, reminding them of their ancient connection to the land and their own divinity. The golden vine of the deep blue lotus was weaving its way through their hearts, reuniting the divine masculine and feminine within.


As I continued to walk this path, I realized that Egypt was not just a physical place but a state of consciousness that existed within us all. The allure of Egypt had captivated me all those years ago, but now I understood that it was not just the external beauty and mystery that had drawn me in. It was the ancient wisdom, the profound teachings, and the transformative power that resonated deep within my soul.

Path of the Priestess with Charlene Locke

And so, I continue to honor the call of Egypt, sharing its wisdom and healing energies with all those who seek it. Valakrin, Isis, Anubis, and Thoth remain my guides, supporting me in my mission to awaken the golden codes within each individual and assist in the collective evolution of humanity. Egypt, with all its allure and mystique, will forever hold a piece of my heart, a sacred connection that transcends time and space.


What transpired in the Great Pyramid of Giza forever changed my life path, and now, together with my Egyptian husband and daughter, we bring forward the sacred teachings of the temples.


We are here to walk you home , taking you on a journey of discovery and unlocking all you are destined to be. 

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